Travis M
8 posts
19 Nov 2013
28 May 2015
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The ascii data files (*.dat.txt) is routinely imported into 3rd paty log viewer software. In contrast, the *.raw.bin files are only usable by Dakota's OST software. Our OST software allows for the display of data such as CPT next to our LIF logs.
The ascii *.dat.txt files contain multiple columns. For the most part, users are only concerned with columns 1 and 2, depth and signal respectively. The full column list is below.
Column Data
1 Depth
2 Total Signal %RE
3 Ch. 1 %RE (Blue)
4 Ch. 2 %RE (Green)
5 Ch. 3 %RE (Orange)
6 Ch. 4 %RE (Red)
7 Push Rate
8 EC Depth
9 EC Value
10 Hammer Depth
11 Hammer Rate
12 Color (RRGGBB)