Where in the World is LIF?
Recently, LIF has taken the Dakota Technologies crew to South Korea to train DreamBios, a new UVOST provider. The trip set a new milestone for Dakota Technologies, as this was the first LIF product to be used in Korea.
Although DreamBios has been familiar with Dakota Technologies products for a few years, the company had not fully grasped the concept of LIF. Therefore, the North Dakota Trade Office sponsored three representatives from the company to travel to Fargo, North Dakota, in the summer of 2011. In Fargo, Dakota Technologies conducted a full tutorial and site demonstration of the UVOST, where DreamBios learned the advantages of the UVOST over sampling techniques.
After the visit, DreamBios made the decision to become an LIF provider and purchased a UVOST a few months later. As a result, Dakota Technologies flew to South Korea in May for an intensive, hands-on product training.
The training process went quickly and was completed in three days. Then, Dakota Technologies took DreamBios to a railroad site, where the UVOST successfully mapped out contamination from spilled diesel. "The test went great, and DreamBios was extremely pleased by how well the UVOST performed," said Randy St. Germain, president of Dakota Technologies.
Initially, the majority of DreamBios’ UVOST screenings will take place on former U.S. military defense sites. However, the South Korean government and oil companies may be potential clients in the near future.